Draw a picture of Huachuca Mountains, you could earn a treasure map to 'lost gold'
If you like to draw, please draw a picture of the Huachuca Mountains or the Arizona desert and mail it here.
Pencil, pen, markers, crayon, charcoal, paint -- it doesn't matter what you use. Just draw something special set in southern Arizona.
If the drawing looks suitable to this Tumbleweed Forts webpage, it'll be posted here to brighten up the discussion about the book and about life at Fort Huachuca.
Please draw at least one person into your artwork, and you also might consider sketching in your favorite plants and animals of the Huachucas.
Mail your original drawing through the Postal Service to:
Frank Warner
565 Kline Avenue
Pottstown, PA 19465
If your drawing is chosen for the Tumbleweed Forts page, you'll receive the unofficial map to Private Jones's "lost gold" in Huachuca Canyon. The map is 11 by 17 inches and in full color.
Don't forget to write your name and address on the back of your drawing.
Hope to see your artwork soon!
-- Frank Warner